ADHD and concentration: Why do they have such a hard time focusing?

What is ADHD and how does it affect concentration?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects approximately 5% of children, according to recent data. This disorder is not simply a “way of being” or a quirk. It is a real difficulty, where the brain processes tasks that require attention and focus differently.

Many children with ADHD have trouble concentrating because their brains do not regulate attention optimally. Imagine that their attention span is like a light switch: instead of turning on or off as needed, it flickers constantly. This makes it difficult for them to maintain attention on a particular task, especially if it is not engaging or stimulating.

Debunking myths about ADHD

It is important to talk about some common myths. For example:

“If they can watch TV for hours, then they can also concentrate in class.”

Attention in motivating or entertaining tasks works differently in children with ADHD. In activities that involve fast and constant stimuli (such as video games or television), they manage to stay attentive due to the constant stimulation they receive. In contrast, more linear activities, such as studying, are much more challenging for them.

At Activatic we offer school reinforcement for children with ADHD. Visit our website.

“It’s a matter of willpower.”

ADHD has nothing to do with laziness or lack of willpower. It is a mismatch in the brain that makes it difficult to plan and regulate attention. Scolding the child is not the solution.

“They’re always moving because they don’t want to take heed.”

Hyperactivity, present in many children with ADHD, is not an act of disobedience. It is a way for their brain to try to self-regulate. Movement helps them process information better.

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Strategies to help them concentrate

Although ADHD presents challenges, there are ways to help children improve their ability to concentrate:

Establish clear and predictable routines

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) function best in structured environments. Having set times for each activity decreases their anxiety and helps them focus.

Break tasks down into small chunks

Instead of asking them to finish a whole card, you can break it up into more manageable chunks. After finishing each piece, give them a short break.

You can also read Personalized School Support: How Activatic Transforms Learning in Spain

Using visual tools

Timers, to-do lists or progress charts help them visualize how much time they will spend on an activity and what steps they need to follow.

Create a distraction-free environment

The space where they study should be quiet and free of stimuli that attract their attention, such as toys, noises or screens.

Positive reinforcement

Reward them for their achievements, even small ones. This motivates and builds their self-esteem. Saying things like “You’ve made a great effort” helps them feel valued.

The role of school tutoring centers

School tutoring centers can be an important ally for families of children with ADHD. These spaces are designed to provide personalized support tailored to the needs of each child. At our center:

  • We have experienced ADHD professionals who know how to capture children’s attention and work effectively with them.
  • We design motivating activities that allow them to learn while having fun.
  • We help children acquire study habits and tools that are useful not only for school, but also for life.

In addition, we understand that each child is unique. We never use rigid methods, because what works for one may not work for another. Our goal is for each child to discover his or her own way of learning and to develop to his or her full potential.

Visit our page of school reinforcement for elementary school children.

An invitation to patience and empathy

When we live with children with ADHD, it is essential to arm ourselves with patience, empathy and understanding. It is not about punishing them for the times they are absent-minded, but celebrating the times they manage to focus. Remember that they are not choosing the difficulties they face.

From our school tutoring center we are here to accompany children and their families on this journey. With the right support, children with ADHD can not only improve their concentration, but also discover that they are capable of achieving great things. How can we help you today?

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