Tailor-made courses for companies

100% Subsidized Courses for Companies

We offer a wide range of subsidized training through FUNDAE, designed to enhance the professional skills of local companies.

Proven Results

Effective methodology

Expert Teachers

Specialized teachers

Personalized Follow-up

Tailored plans

I’m sure you’re wondering…

How does it work?

We offer you a simple and efficient process for your company’s subsidized training in just 3 steps:

  1. Up to 100% bonus:
    Take advantage of the bonuses offered by FUNDAE, thus facilitating access to learning and professional development for your employees.
  2. Delivered at your facilities:
    Our courses will be held directly at your company’s facilities, adapting to your schedule and without travel costs.
  3. Comprehensive management of the process:
    We manage the entire training process without complications, from planning to notification to FUNDAE and the bonus.

our programs

Available Training Courses

Take advantage of our professional development training to help you boost your company’s growth:


Grow your team with us

Request more information about our subsidized courses for companies.

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