Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

How to improve your children’s school performance? Keys for primary and ESO

The school performance of children and adolescents is a topic of concern for many parents. The educational stage in primary and ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) lays the foundation for the academic and personal future of students, but how can we help them get the best out of themselves in school? Here are some effective keys to boost their learning and motivation.

1. Establish clear routines

Children and adolescents need structure to organize their study time. Designing a daily schedule that includes specific times for studying, homework and rest is critical. For example, assigning a set time after school to review what they have learned can reinforce concepts and avoid last-minute stress.

2. Provides a suitable study environment

Where your children study has a significant impact on their concentration. Make sure they have a quiet, well-lit space free of distractions such as television or excessive noise. A table with the necessary school supplies and a comfortable chair are key to maintaining focus.

Help your children improve their grades, increase their confidence in school and gain confidence with our personalized classes for elementary school, contact us now!

3. Encourages reading habits

Reading is a powerful tool for developing critical thinking and comprehension. Encourage your children to read books on topics that interest them, in addition to school material. You can dedicate some time each day to reading as a family, which not only improves their skills, but also strengthens the family bond.

4. Support in the subjects that are most difficult for them.

Identifying the areas in which your children have difficulties is essential to help them overcome them. This is where specialized support, such as that offered by Activatic, makes the difference. Their school reinforcement program for primary and ESO is designed to meet the specific needs of each student, helping them improve in key subjects such as math, science or languages. In addition, they have specialized teachers who use dynamic methodologies to make learning more accessible and effective. Do you want your children to improve their academic performance and acquire good study habits? We can help you with our tutoring classes, discover all the options here.

5. Motivate them with achievable goals

Setting realistic goals and celebrating them when they are achieved is an effective way to maintain motivation. For example, if your child has trouble with English verbs, a goal might be to master five new verbs each week. As they achieve small goals, their confidence grows.

6. Integrate technology as a learning ally

Today, digital tools can be a great educational resource. From apps that reinforce mathematical knowledge to online learning platforms, technology can make studying more interactive and entertaining. At Activatic, we also integrate technological resources into our classes, allowing students to learn in an innovative and effective way. In our school we teach English with a unique methodology, so that your children learn in a natural way, learn more details here.

7. Take care of your emotional well-being

School performance depends not only on studying, but also on emotional well-being. Make sure your children have time to relax, socialize and engage in extracurricular activities that they are passionate about. A balance between study and leisure is essential to keep them motivated and happy.

8. Be a role model

Children learn a lot by watching their parents. Demonstrating a positive attitude toward learning and problem solving can inspire them to try harder in their studies. Also, show interest in what they are learning, ask questions about their lessons and celebrate their accomplishments, no matter how small.

Activatic: the perfect ally for your children’s success in school

At Activatic, we understand that each student has unique needs. That’s why we offer a personalized approach that combines school reinforcement, extracurricular activities and language learning to ensure comprehensive development. Our team of professionals is committed to helping your child overcome their academic challenges and enhance their strengths. If you liked this article, share it with others and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram y Facebookas well as check out our tutoring and language teaching services at

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